Dealing with the Generation Gap

Generation Gap! Have you ever felt that you cannot relate to your parents’ struggles? Do you find it hard to explain your actual feelings about an event to your elders? Do you understand and sense their genuine love and care but don’t see a point in their piece of advice? Have you shared a meme […]

Dealing with the Generation Gap

Generation Gap! Have you ever felt that you cannot relate to your parents’ struggles? Do you find it hard to explain your actual feelings about an event to your elders? Do you understand and sense their genuine love and care but don’t see a point in their piece of advice? Have you shared a meme […]

Recent Blogs

Recent Blogs

Dealing with the Generation Gap

Dealing with the Generation Gap

Generation Gap! Have you ever felt that you cannot relate to your parents’ struggles? Do you find it hard to explain your actual feelings about an event to your elders? Do you understand and sense their genuine love and care but don’t see a point in their piece of advice? Have you shared a meme […]

What I’ve Learned After 10 Years of Marriage

What I’ve Learned After 10 Years of Marriage

What’s most important in a marriage?  As an 18 year old who had her own fantasy notion of how her marriage should be, and would answer love and romance to the question of what is most important in a marriage. As a 20 year old, pregnant with my first child, with hormones flying all over […]

Emotional Burnout From a Woman’s Perspective

Emotional Burnout From a Woman’s Perspective

Emotional Burnout!  As a woman do you sometimes feel that no matter how much you do, it just isn’t enough? The day-to-day chores seem so mundane and monotonous that you take up more to challenge yourself and discover a new you, only to be submerging yourself in more responsibilities. And now, you’ve stretched your limits, […]

Muslim, Single, Female – What is my purpose?

Muslim, Single, Female – What is my purpose?

Muslim, Single, Female | What’s my purpose? A couple of days ago, I came across a post on an all-women Facebook group where a young Muslimah asked about how to find your purpose in life. A sentence that stood out to me said: “Please do not tell your kids that marriage is their purpose. As […]

Hijama – A forgotten sunnah!

Hijama – A forgotten sunnah!

Hijama – A Forgotten Sunnah! “Indeed in cupping there is a cure.” – (Sahih Muslim, Hadith : 5706) Cupping, an age old healing and remedial procedure practiced worldwide for centuries. From the Ancient Egyptians in the 1550BC, to the Chinese and Europeans who practice this form of healing till date. It is a process in […]

Do Not Fall into the Trap of Believing in Prophecies!

Do Not Fall into the Trap of Believing in Prophecies!

Do not fall into the trap of believing in Prophecies! Spirituality is a huge part of us Muslims. The happiness we feel from reading the Quran is one example of when we experience it. Likewise, we feel tranquillity and higher concentration while praying in a congregation in the Masjid. In addition, many women feel pride […]

Appreciate the Good Friend

Appreciate the Good Friend

Reminder: Appreciate Great Friends! Human beings are accustomed to living a social life. We maintain relationships with those who we can share our good and bad days with. Friends are indeed a blessing of Allaah ta’ala, and above all are those friends who understand you when you are unable to understand or articulate yourself. These […]

How Diversity Develops Character

How Diversity Develops Character

CAN WE BE BETTER AROUND PEOPLE THAT ANNOY US? We come across different people with different habits and moods in our daily lives. We cannot always dictate to others to act according to our wishes and demands, but is our responsibility to accommodate the varied behaviours of people to connect with them. This is especially […]

A Mum’s Top Tips to a Productive Day

A Mum’s Top Tips to a Productive Day

A mum’s top tips to a productive day!                 Our world values the daily hustle, but productivity looks different for everyone. Some people may do less and feel accomplished, while others may be busy the whole day and feel that they have done nothing productive. Even with pre-planning there’s […]

Two Types of Busy

Two Types of Busy

Working hard is a significant part of being Muslim. Laziness is not a likeable trait. We must always strive our hardest to achieve our goals, and not expect anyone else to do our work for us. Hard work is something that only two types of people can do. These two types of people have different […]

Facing the Double Standards of Free Expression and No Judgement

Facing the Double Standards of Free Expression and No Judgement

Freedom of Expression vs No Judgement These recent days have been mentally disturbing for me, thanks to social media – a selectively open space to throw out anything you want. Why do I say selectively open? Well, my entire frustration is about this very notion. Referring back to the title, in our world today, these […]

The Best and Worst Advice For New Parents

The Best and Worst Advice For New Parents

Guess what comes in abundance as soon as you announce your pregnancy? Congratulations? No, it is just a small part. Questions regarding the pregnancy? Not as much as expected. Advice? Now that comes in hordes. This advice actually starts just after marriage, as if you can get pregnant a couple of days after getting married. […]

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